
At a meeting held on the 7th March 1907 in Mandeville Bandroom a new organisation,  ‘The North of Ireland Bands Association’,  was created. After much hard work by the committee a total of 13 bands registered. In a effort to recruit more bands a parade of bands took place on 29th June 1907 assembling at Ormeau Park. The following bands took part :-

Mandeville, St Mary’s ,Ulster Amateurs, Ravenhill Temperance,14th Old Boys, Argyle Temperance, Dundonald, St Michael’s, Wellington, St Saviour, Kitchener Apprentice Boys, Carrickfergus Amateurs, Victoria Temperance.

Early in 1909 the decision was taken to invite brass and brass and reed bands to join the Assocation. A meeting was held on the 11th February 1909 at which brass bands were well represented and a decision to affiliate was taken.

Chairman – Robert Symington (Dundonald)
Treasurer – William Cunningham (Ulster Amateurs)
Secretary – John Murdie (Argyle)
Executive : –

James Boyle (Mandeville), James Cunning (St Mary’s)

Thomas McMillen (Argyle), J. Patton (14th Old Boys),

George Simpson (Ravenhill Temperance), T. Sloan (Kitcheners Apprentice Boys)

George Whitley (Ulster Amateurs)