The North of Ireland Bands Association is the premier organisation for bands throughout the North of Ireland with fifty two bands currently in membership.
The Association , which is non political and non sectarian, provides a service to Flute, Brass, Concert and Accordion Bands within the one organisation.
The North of Ireland Bands Association organises the Championship of Ireland Band’s Contest ( including the Championship of the World for Flute Bands) and supports leagues which organise regular contests for different types of bands as well as solo, quartet and small ensemble competitions.
The purpose of the North of Ireland Bands’ Association website is to provide a computerised system for the registration of players. The majority of the data is secured behind a firewall but certain general information on Rules, Bands and past Contest Results are available and open to the public.
Every effort has been done using the latest security measures to ensure player details are safe and secure and only used for the purpose of contest eligibility. Each player is assigned to a band and their player history showing transfers is available. All information has been provided voluntarily. A player can request to see their information held on the database.
The Website is hosted by and has a SSL DV certificate. The site is also protected with Wordfence and administrators use two-factor authentication.
Band secretaries have a log in password protected access to view their own member registrations and the updating of individual details. Access is not possible to any other band members. An administrator is provided with an email each time there is a login attempt either by a registered or unregistered user. The administrator is responsible for determining who is allowed to log in by maintaining a user database and is the only person permitted to delete entries or change passwords. The site is backed up daily.
The details held on the website of each band member is solely to maintain a registry of active players per band for the purpose of band contests. Sensitive information may be needed to ensure there are no duplications. Individual band registration sheets of members are printed prior to each contest for the purpose of ensuring only eligible players are allowed to take the stage. The sheets are shredded or properly disposed off by incineration after each contest.